
Art is a way of expressing the unsaid. Creativity in children are excavated and chiseled out with competence through art and craft classes which form an integral part of the curriculum.

The Angels Valley School art program is designed to develop each student's understanding of art and interaction with the world of artistic expression and creation. With the essential elements of art as the foundational framework, the program helps students build connections through their personal artistic expression to curriculum in their classroom and to school-wide trans- disciplinary themes.

Students develop a thorough understanding of artistic techniques and media at Angels Valley School, beginning with exploratory investigation in the younger grades and progressing into confident familiarity and strong competency at the higher levels. As students develop their own artistic voice through drawing, collage, and painting, they make meaningful connections between their inner world and the world around them

Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade students participate in Art Appreciation. Art Appreciation students develop visual discrimination skills by observing, comparing and contrasting. In addition to developing an appreciation for art, these skills are important components of early reading and math acquisition. Our young art detectives also learn essential art vocabulary such as line, foreground, and focal point.

The Middle School Programme centers on specific themes, allowing students to apply their knowledge and hone their techniques.